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import Channel from './channel';

 * Rxmq message bus class
class Rxmq {
   * Represents a new Rxmq message bus.
   * Normally you'd just use a signleton returned by default, but it's also
   * possible to create a new instance of Rxmq should you need it.
   * @constructor
   * @example
   * import {Rxmq} from 'rxmq';
   * const myRxmq = new Rxmq();
  constructor() {
     * Holds channels definitions
     * @type {Object}
     * @private
    this.channels = {};
     * Holds channel plugins definitions
     * @type {Object}
     * @private
    this.channelPlugins = [];

   * Returns a channel for given name
   * @param  {String} name  Channel name
   * @return {Channel}      Channel object
   * @example
   * const testChannel = rxmq.channel('test');
  channel(name = 'defaultRxmqChannel') {
    if (!this.channels[name]) {
      this.channels[name] = new Channel(this.channelPlugins);

    return this.channels[name];

   * Register new Rxmq plugin
   * @param  {Object} plugin      Plugin object
   * @return {void}
   * @example
   * import myPlugin from 'my-plugin';
   * rxmq.registerPlugin(myPlugin);
  registerPlugin(plugin) {
    for (const prop in plugin) {
      if (!this.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
         * Hide from esdoc
         * @private
        this[prop] = plugin[prop];

   * Register new Channel plugin
   * @param  {Object} plugin      Channel plugin object
   * @return {void}
   * @example
   * import myChannelPlugin from 'my-channel-plugin';
   * rxmq.registerChannelPlugin(myChannelPlugin);
  registerChannelPlugin(plugin) {
    for (const name in this.channels) {
      if (this.channels.hasOwnProperty(name)) {

 * Rxmq bus definition
export default Rxmq;